Employment Newcomer Job Seekers

Employment Assistance Services (EAS)

Employment Assistance Services (EAS) are designed to assist both local residents and newcomers aged 18 and above in achieving their employment goals. EAS offers a comprehensive range of services, including expert resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation, and effective job search strategies. EAS offers workshops, networking opportunities, and workplace tours to enhance job-seekers’ skills and knowledge. Information sessions are provided on various topics, including Employment Insurance (EI) and Employment and Income Assistance (EIA), starting a business, financial support for certifications, and more. EAS is your one-stop hub for referrals and information ensuring that you have the resources and guidance you need to embark on a successful career path. Register for services.

Funding Provided by:

The Government of Canada     The Manitoba Government

Professional Bridging

Professional Bridging is a specialized program catering to internationally-educated professionals, who are in regulated fields such as nursing, medicine, pharmacy, teaching, accounting, and engineering. The program’s primary objective is to assist participants in obtaining professional licenses and securing employment that aligns with their educational and experiential backgrounds. It offers comprehensive support, including credential recognition assistance, advanced English and IELTS preparation classes, as well as professional development workshops. Participants benefit from valuable networking opportunities, mentorship, and access to information about financial support options for the licensing process. Register for services.

Funding Provided by:

The Manitoba Government

Gateway to Work Experience for Newcomers (GWEN)

Gateway to Work Experience for Newcomers (GWEN) is a program designed for unemployed newcomers seeking entry-level jobs in target sectors. The program includes a 1-month classroom training, followed by a 1-month practicum to gain hands-on experience. Additionally, the program offers post-training job search and job matching services to help participants secure suitable employment. Register for services.

Funding Provided by:

The Manitoba Government

Contact us: [email protected]